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How Tall Is Iggy

How tall is Iggy Pop

American Singer/Songwriter known for songs such as Lust for Life and Real Wild Child.

How Tall Is Iggy

Photo by PR Photos

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Average Guess (17 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 6.97in (170.1cm)
Current: 5ft 6.31in (168.4cm)
Roger, the pirate said on 18/Nov/22
1,70 peak
1,68 current

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/21
πŸŽ§πŸŽ‚πŸŽΆπŸŽ Happy Birthday Iggy! πŸŽπŸŽΆπŸŽ‚πŸŽ§

Wishing Iggy Pop a fantastic 74th Birthday – have a real wild time, you superstar! 🀩

Peak – 5ft7; Today – 5ft6.5. He looks quite a bit taller in the picture up top, perhaps down to his proportions/physique. Some day soon, I’m going to dig out my copy of ‘Dead Man’, which centres round the adventures endured by Johnny Depp and, apart from many strange yet comical happenings, it has loads of guest stars popping in to spice up this weird, black-and-white movie from 1995, when Iggy will have been 47/48, so very likely full height. It’s well worth seeing, I promise!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/20
πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽΆπŸŽŠ Happy Birthday Iggy! πŸŽŠπŸŽΆπŸŽ‚πŸŽ

A Very Happy Birthday to the one and only Iggy Pop, who turns 73 years of age today. If he still tours, I’d love to catch Iggy performing one day!

5ft7 peak and 5ft6.25 today. πŸ˜πŸ‘

Sandy A Cowell said on 5/Apr/20
@ Michael Foris – From the song? πŸ˜‰

5ft7 then; 5ft6.25 now

Michael Foris said on 3/Apr/20
I thought he was 5/1
Gracian said on 25/May/18
Please Rob, add Iggy to the rock singers category.

EM said on 30/Nov/17
When you see him with a big guy like the 6’4.5″ Queens Of The Stone Age singer, 5’6″ starts to not become shocking. Click Here

Sandy Cowell said on 30/Nov/17
Rz sent in an abundance of quotations from Iggy Pop, and this one afforded me a good laugh, so I thought I’d share it with you all!

“The combination of that schedule and a fall I took dancing on an amplifier left me with my spine twisted and a slight limp.”

I KNEW he got up to accentric things, but dancing on an amplifier is asking for trouble! It’s amazing he didn’t end up in a far worse state! But he’s friendly and funny, his music’s good in a crazy sort of way, and I like the guy!

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Sandy Cowell said on 30/Nov/17
@ Ted – Hi! I have never written to a Ted before!

I agree that Iggy does come over as taller, but he is fairly well-made, and sometimes it can distract away from a shorter stature! I thought he was 5ft8 myself, and 2 inches is 2 inches!

I’m going for 5ft6 for today’s height, 5ft7 for his optimum!

Ted said on 28/Nov/17
Wow, that’s a shock. I thought he strong average.

Rz said on 21/Mar/17
Rob, don’t you think he’s lost more over the years?

Quote: “I have a dislocated shoulder. I have a lot of cartilage lost in my right hip. Both knees are about to go. I have one leg about an inch and a half shorter than the other.

When I was thirteen, I was run over by a big guy playing junior high football, and the right leg ended up a quarter-inch shorter. By my midtwenties, it was a half-inch.

Then in the Eighties, I had no money and was taking packed economy flights everywhere, night after night. The combination of that schedule and a fall I took dancing on an amplifier left me with my spine twisted and a slight limp.”

-Iggy Pop in Rolling Stone, April 4, 2007″

How Tall Is Iggy

Editor Rob
yes he very well could have lost another cm

Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/17
One of the comments I’ve just read mentioned Iggy’s song ‘Five Foot One’ (1979, I think!), and suggests that Iggy might be this height in real life! I entertained the idea those days myself, but no way is he this short!
Iggy’s in a spattering of films that include Johnny Depp’s hilarious ‘Dead Man’, a film with Alice Cooper and Malcolm McDowell called ‘Suck’, and then a couple I am not familiar with called ‘Blood Orange’ and ‘Hardware’! These offer an abundance of opportunities to examine his height! He’s short, but not 5ft1🎢!
I’ll agree with 5ft6 for today’s height and 5ft7 for his youth!

Fluffi Fluffsson said on 11/Feb/16
Thought he was taller.

tk said on 16/Dec/15
Stood next to Iggy on a few occasions, in 2006 and 2007.

He was limping a bit and it was right after the shows so he was tired from running up and down the stage and climbing on the trusses and his posture was not that great!

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At the time he stood around 5’8.5”-9” in boots, so a fair guess would be 5’7” – 5’7.5” barefoot, if my memory serves me well.

Sam said on 28/Jul/15
Not unless everyone he’s stood next to is overlisted by 5 inches.
PattayaBobb said on 27/Jul/15
he has a song called “Five Foot One” so perhaps he is.
maybe smaller? said on 21/Apr/15
same case for mr takei, hes like 80 now

mickthefreak85 said on 31/Jul/14
Rob you absolutely have to take a look at this pic. He’s with Johnny Depp and Kate Moss:

Judging by this pic either he is not as low as you list him or Moss is not the 5’6″ we all believe she is.
Plus, here Depp looks only an inch taller than him but that could be because of the camera angle as Iggy is closer to the camera lens.

How Tall Is Iggy

Editor Rob

in this other shot Here I think Iggy can still look nearly 5ft 7, it is possible 15-20 years ago
Samuel said on 23/Jul/14
I saw him live back in 2010 .. I didn’t know he was 5’6. More like 5’7?

kramer2088 said on 11/Jul/14
[Editor Rob: has Iggy lost height? It is quite possible, but I wouldn’t think that much, he looks fitter than many guys his age] kinda shocked by this comment, firstly equating height to healthy, and secondly insinuating iggy pop has had a healthy lifestyle! Yes he’s skinny. fit?? hmmm, but regardless probably folk running marathons a week will shrink more tan a couch potato due to impact on joints etc.

EddieO’Connell79 said on 27/Jun/14
Oi Rob, mate, do you reckon the chap must’ve been 5’7″ in his prime, yeah?
Seems like he’s dropped an inch or so nowadays
Thanks for your time mate, you’re doing a brilliant job with this site.

How Tall Is Iggy

Editor Rob

has Iggy lost height? It is quite possible, but I wouldn’t think that much, he looks fitter than many guys his age

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SaveUsY2J said on 5/Jun/14
At a push could have been 5’7 peak.

Sam said on 21/Apr/14
Iggy Pop wasn’t necessarily a bad looking guy when younger but has lived very rough so looks more wrinkled and gaunt than his contemporaries (think Keith Richards). Although he probably wasn’t a pleasant guy to be around in 60s and 70s, he was the true pioneer of punk music. Despite being diminutive, he’s always had a bad-boy-attractiveness for the ladies I think and a Casanova-type reputation, so no surprise his wife ends up being an exotic hottie.

Arch Stanton said on 19/Apr/14
NYC sandal ? πŸ™‚

Tape Measure said on 19/Apr/14
Maybe he has one leg longer than the other. Perhaps that’s why he’s standing like he is, in the photograph above?

Arch Stanton said on 19/Apr/14
Click Here Proof that even if you look like Iggy Pop you can pull exotic looking women like that!

Sam said on 7/Apr/14
Kiedis might be a weak 5’8″. At times in the past I’ve thought Iggy Pop could pull off looking 5’7″ but when standing next to someone who’s on the low end of average height like Lou Reed you could see Pop’s noticeably shorter.

littlesue said on 7/Apr/14
That pic next to Kiedis is fairly old, he fairly old now so probably lost a bit in the last 10 years

Chilean said on 6/Apr/14
Click Here

no way , he looks 5Β΄7 next to 5’8 kiedis

Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 4/Apr/14
didn’t know he was this small

is this his peak height or his current height ? (or both?)

Brad said on 3/Apr/14
Bowie always had him by at least 4″. I had him by a foot in ’81. As listed.
James B said on 3/Apr/14
WOW I thought this guy was 5’9 or 5’10

Sam said on 3/Apr/14
Like I said, he could look this range next to Lou Reed (has him by about 2 inches), David Bowie (has him by around 4 inches) and is a head under Jack White. Sure, Arch he could be a little sub-5’6″ but if decades of heroin use and throwing yourself down stairs doesn’t cause one to lose some height, nothing will!