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Twix Bear Commercial 2023

Twix Bear Commercial Finally Explains the Difference Between Left Twix and Right Twix (Spoiler Alert: there isn’t one!)

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A tasty and delicious duo, Twix is one of the most popular candy bars on the market. Made by Mars, an American multinational manufacturer of confectionery and other food products, the brand has caused division amongst its fans with its long-running “Pick a Side” ad campaign.

The campaign urged candy enjoyers to decide between the “Left” and “Right” Twix, referencing the pair in each package.

There isn

There isn’t a difference between the left Twix and the right Twix in each package (Credit: TanyaLovus / Shutterstock)

For years, fans chose between being #TeamLeftTwix and #TeamRightTwix, asserting that their chosen side featured more caramel or was healthier than the other.

However, both sides are exactly the same, and neither of them is actually healthy for you.

A recent commercial released by the brand entitled “Camping” seems to confirm that Twix is the same on both sides—no need for rivalry anymore!

Two campers stare at a Twix bar and agree that it doesn

Two campers stare at a Twix bar and agree that it doesn’t matter if you eat the left or right bar (Credit: Twix / YouTube)

In the commercial, viewers see a pair of identical flannel-clad twins on a camping trip (we were not able to find the names of the actors, unfortunately) who are taking a break to eat a Twix.

One twin notes, “You know, it doesn’t matter if you choose left or right, because they’re both chewy, crunchy, and delicious.”

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Snickers, Mars, Twix, and Milky Way are all chocolate bars made by the American company Mars

Snickers, Mars, Twix, and Milky Way are all chocolate bars made by the American company Mars (Credit: darksoul72 / Shutterstock)

As the twins speculate on the identicalness of the Twix bars (and if you want to be metaphorical about it, themselves) the camera pans to two humanoid bears who are hungrily watching the campers.

“You know, it doesn’t matter if you choose left or right, because they’re both chewy, crunchy, and delicious,” one of the bears repeats.

This time, the bears are most certainly talking about eating the campers, not the candy bars! “You know what else I like?”

The camera cuts back to the human twins, who seem to finish the bear’s sentence, saying, “…the sound of the snap.”

A pair of bears discuss which of the twin campers will be most delicious

A pair of bears discuss which of the twin campers will be most delicious (Credit: YouTube / Shutterstock)

The bear continues ominously, “…when you bite into it.”

The campers nod in agreement, completely unaware of the bears behind them and (probably) their impending fate.

The commercial ends there, with the tagline, “Left or Right, a good decision either way.”

As funny as the commercial is, “Camping” almost completely undoes the years of the “Pick a Side” campaign, finally confirming that the Left Twix and Right Twix are the exact same.

It doesn’t matter which side you’re on—you’re eating the same candy bar!

The twin brothers in the Twix commercial confirm that the Left Twix and Right Twix are the exact same

The twin brothers in the Twix commercial confirm that the Left Twix and Right Twix are the exact same (Credit: YouTube / Twix)

So, no, one side doesn’t have more caramel or more crunch than the other, and if you were wondering, Twix bars are not healthy for you (neither side is!).

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In February 2010, Olivia Munn tweeted that she’s a big fan of Twix and will eat a caramel shortbread chocolate bar before a cover shoot.

“What does one eat before a cover shoot?” she tweeted about her second cover for Complex magazine. “Three boiled eggs, turkey bacon, wheat toast, side of fruit, grapefruit juice and TWIX. Yum.”

Olivia Munn tweeted that she enjoys boiled eggs, turkey bacon, wheat toast, fruit, grapefruit juice, and Twix before cover shoots

Olivia Munn tweeted that she enjoys boiled eggs, turkey bacon, wheat toast, fruit, grapefruit juice, and TWIX before cover shoots (Credit: Pavlo Lys / Tinseltown / Shutterstock)

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