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10 Famous People with Herpes

famous people with herpes

Through this post, you will get to know about famous people with herpes. Herpes is a very common STI (sexually transmitted infection). Herpes is neither deadly nor causes any serious health issues. It causes some painful blisters, sores, and outbreaks at the site of infection, that is, around the mouth or genitals, which for many people happen less over time and may eventually stop occurring completely.

1. Types of Herpes

The Herpes simplex virus, known as HSV, causes herpes. The virus is of two types:

  • Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1, commonly called cold sores)
  • Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2, commonly called genitalherpes) is more common even among many celebrities.

Symptoms of herpes infection may develop 2–20 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms include tingling, itching, burning, sores, or blisters forming around the mouth or genitals.

1.1. Oral Herpes (Cold Sores)

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Oral herpes causes blisters, also known as fever sores or cold sores. They are developed in or around the lips and mouth.

Sometimes these blisters tend to form on the tongue or somewhere else on the face. But rarely on any other areas of skin. The sores usually last 2–3 weeks at a time.

With time, cold sore outbreaks may occur less often, and the symptoms tend to become less severe.

1.2. Genital Herpes

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Genital herpes causes blisters/sores which develop on the penis, inside or on the vagina wall. They can also occur on the buttocks or the anus. However, they might form on other areas of the skin.

Herpes can also cause dysuria (painful urination). It can also change vaginal discharge. When the first time sores appear, they may last 2–6 weeks. Soon after this initial outbreak, symptoms may recur frequently.

2. Symptoms of Herpes

2.1. Primary Symptoms

These occur when a person first develops herpes infections. Alongside sores or blisters, the following symptoms may also appear:

  • Pain and itching
  • Swollen lymph nodes/ swollen glands in your pelvic area, throat, and under your arms
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Cold sore problem
  • A general feeling of being unwell

In most cases, the lesions heal without long-term scarring.

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2.2. Recurring symptoms

Symptoms that reappear are kind of similar to the initial symptoms. However, they tend to be less severe and last for a shorter period.

The signs and symptoms can be inconsistent and may recur, off and on, for many years. Some people experience numerous episodes each year. While on the other side, for many people, however, the outbreaks are less frequent as time passes.

Research suggests that around 33% of people with oral herpes and 50% of genital herpes experience recurring symptoms.

Recurring symptoms of oral and genital herpes tend to last 8–10 days. And there will be fewer sores than there were in the initial phase.

Herpes is incurable. However, it can be managed and prevented easily by practicing safe sexual practices (via condoms). Be it any sexual practice; safe sexual methods are always necessary. They help prevent any unforeseen situations/problems, especially in the case of STIs.

3. Prevention

The disease is incurable. Measures to prevent or reduce the risk of developing or passing on herpes must be taken.

  • Use condoms during sexual activities (barrier method)
  • Avoid sex while symptoms are present
  • In case of a cold sore around the mouth, avoid kissing and oral sex
  • Washing the hands thoroughly during an outbreak, especially after touching the affected area. This makes sure that the virus does not contaminate surfaces being touched.

4. 10 Famous People with Herpes

Herpes is a very common STI but is still heavily stigmatized for vague reasons. However, it is wrong to lie about having herpes with your sexual partners. And there is nothing shameful or degrading in admitting a herpes infection. Rather it is a very righteous and responsible thing to do.

On the same note, here is a list of celebrities with herpes or celebrities that get cold sores that will make you realize how common it is and is not a big deal.

4.1. Derek Jeter

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A famous baseball player, athlete, and actor, Derek Jeter, is among the celebrities with herpes. Derek Jeter has been in hot water to be a big source of the Hollywood herpes epidemic.

Derek Jeter has transmitted herpes to his former celebrity girlfriends. The list includes Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Vanessa Minnillo, Adriana Lima, Mariah Carey, and Scarlett Johansson.

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4.2. Anne Heche

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American actress, producer, and TV director Anne Heche admitted to having herpes in her memoir. And hence, she is one of the famous people with herpes.

In the memoir, she claims that her father sexually molested her till 12 years of age, and got infected by genital herpes through her father at the tender age of 8.

4.3. Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba Std

American actress, model, and businesswoman, Jessica Alba has genital herpes. It was transmitted to her by her boyfriend, Derek Jeter.

According to the news, Cash Warren, husband of Jessica Alba, tried “curing” herpes through Valtrex. (Valtrex is an antiviral medication used to treat outbreaks of HSV)

4.4. Jessica Biel

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Jessica Biel, an American actress, producer, model, and singer, is another famous person with herpes.

She is said to have contracted herpes through her ex-boyfriend, Derek Jeter.

4.5. Robin Williams

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Robin Williams was an American standup comedian, actor, producer, writer, director, singer, and voice artist. He passed away in August 2014.

A cocktail waitress sued Robin Williams in 1986, who claimed that she contracted herpes through Robin Williams. Apparently, a court settlement was done of the case for an unknown amount of money.

4.6. Scarlett Johansson

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Scarlett Johansson, a famous American actress, singer, and model, is also among the famous people with herpes.

It’s said that she had contracted herpes from her ex-boyfriend, Derek Jeter. And as mentioned above, Derek Jeter is a big source of herpes transmission among his former celebrity girlfriends.

4.7. Janet Jackson

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An American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress, Janet Jackson, has herpes.

When word spread about the chef suing Janet Jackson over using his identity on prescriptions for herpes medicine, the public learned about her herpes for the first time.

4.8. Paris Hilton

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Paris Hilton is an American businesswoman, television personality, socialite, model, actress, DJ, singer, and author. Reportedly, Paris Hilton is also one of the famous people with herpes.

This is supported by the fact that prescriptions/records were found with her name for Valtrex (Valtrex – a drug that is used to treat outbreaks of genital herpes) in her locker in 2017.

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4.9. Billy Idol

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William Michael Albert Broad is an English musician, songwriter, singer, and actor professionally known as Billy Idol. He admitted to having herpes in an interview with Rollin Stone Magazine.

4.10. Usher

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Usher Raymond IV is an American singer, dancer, songwriter, businessman, and actor. He was reportedly diagnosed with herpes in 2009 or 2010.

Laura Helm alleged that Usher Raymond transmitted her genital herpes during a sexual encounter in 2017. And hid the fact from her in the first place that he had been diagnosed with herpes.

She claimed that she experienced symptoms, and she then tested positive for herpes. She also claims that she read online reports of Usher’s alleged herpes diagnosis. However, this wasn’t the first time that Usher was sued for this.

This list of celebrities with herpes virus indicates that it’s about time we realize how common herpes is and destigmatize it.

There are many more famous people with herpes (or rumored to have herpes). The list has many famous celebrities names like Mariah Carey, Jennifer Aniston, David Hasselhoff, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Minnillo, Joshua Jackson, Michael Vick, Brad Pitt, Adriana Lima, David Beckham, Tony Bennett, Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Victoria Beckham, Kris Humphries, Fred Durst, Linda Feldman, Dennis Rodman, Katie Holmes, Kate Moss.

Apart from this, there may be many possible famous people with herpes who don’t know yet or have not been public about it.

According to a survey done in 2015-2016 for people a ged 14–49: The prevalence of HSV type 1 was 47.8%, and the prevalence of HSV type 2 was 11.9%.

One in six persons between the ages of 14 and 49 is infected by the herpes virus.

However, safe sexual practices should be encouraged. And don’t forget, it might not be the easiest conversation to have with your partner. But if you have been diagnosed with the herpes virus, you must tell them. Check out for information on male enhancement or click here to read more such information.

Stay healthy! Stay safe!